Demi Lovato premiered the single "Skyscraper" today on Ryan Seacrest's radio show. That was her big move professionally.
Personally, though, the 18-year old gave fans an open look into the struggles over the last few months, which landed her in rehab and caused her to admit that she's bipolar.
“I just had so much growing up to do... I ended up doing things that I regret to this day," Lovato said about the inner turmoil that led to her attacking dancer Alex Welch.
What was the most difficult time for the singer?
“Spending Christmas in treatment was really, really difficult," she said. "I just remember sometimes sitting there and being like, 'I had so much just six months ago, and here I am in a treatment center. What has my life become? How did I let it get to this point?'"
Demi says she was never suicidal, but times grew "really dark."
Lovato recorded "Skyscraper" soon before entering rehab. She says of the experience:
“I just sat there and I just cried my eyes out, I was almost doubled over with emotion... it was crazy. I tried to re-record it but, it didn’t have that same emotion and that same almost cry for help that I had when I first recorded it.”
Look for the music video to come out this week.
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