Source: http://feeds.celebritybabies.com/~r/celebrity-babies/~3/L3LT5rxPNgE/
Source: http://feeds.celebritybabies.com/~r/celebrity-babies/~3/L3LT5rxPNgE/
King of Pop's takeover leads to some head-scratching song choices.
By Jim Cantiello
<P>"Glee" paid tribute to Michael Jackson during Tuesday night's episode and, shockingly, kept the story moving along in the midst of several MJ-inspired musical numbers. Kurt, Rachel and Quinn all received great news about college, Rachel finally accepted Finn's proposal and evil Sebastian's plot to harm Kurt with a doctored slushee backfired when Blaine took the hit for his boyfriend. </P><P> </P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="'Glee'-Cap: Michael Jackson Takes Over McKinley High" id="vid:730282.id:1671179" width="240" height="211"></div><p> </P><P> </P><P>Yet the forced "all Michael, all the time" song selection led to some head-scratching scenes including Kurt, Rachel and Finn serenading an injured Blaine with Jackson's love song to a rat, "Ben," and two different music-video re-enactments only appealed to Jackson superfans. The rest of us can enjoy my latest "Glee-cap"! Hit play on the embedded video and sing along with these lyrics. </P><P> </P><P>"Glee," "Glee" 's really hit the skids<br> </P><P>MJ would have loved all the singing kids </P><P> </P><P>Time for a tribute<br> </P><P>Veiled as a dispute<br> </P><P>They all imitate<br> </P><P>Michael's vocal takes </P><P> </P><P>Wish they didn't try<br> </P><P>To simply ape his sigh<br> </P><P>I guess "Glee" got paid<br> </P><P>In tickets to <a href="http://newsroom.mtv.com/2011/12/07/jackson-family-and-crew-talk-about-new-cirque-du-soleil-show-michael-jackson-immortal/">Cirque du Soleil</a> </P><P> </P><P>It's bad! It's bad! Come on! </P><P> </P><P>Oh, pointless themed episodes<br> </P><P>Make me push fast-forward on my TiVo </P><P> </P><P>Artie's "Scream" remake<br> </P><P>Complete with head shakes<br> </P><P>Tired of getting dissed<br> </P><P>Mike Chang's now his sis? </P><P> </P><P>Warblers fight for songs<br> </P><P>No prob doing wrong<br> </P><P>They're all blindly cruel<br> </P><P>Since Blaine left their school </P><P> </P><P>Quinn sang goodbye to every ex<br> </P><P>Have a seat, this'll take awhile<br> </P><P>(She's had lots of sex)<br> </P><P>Quinn got into Yale<br> </P><P>And I'm all, "How?" <br> </P><P>Then got distracted by Damian's hyper eyebrows </P><P> </P><P>They're bad! They're bad! Relax them! <br> </P><P>If you don't, I will come wax them! </P><P> </P><P>Slutpig tried to slushee Kurt<br> </P><P>But Blaine got in the way<br> </P><P>Left him needing surgery<br> </P><P>How dare you hurt my gay! <br> </P><P>Despite Blaine's cute eye patch<br> </P><P>Kurt is hungry for revenge<br> </P><P>But that's a different better show on ABC, my friend </P><P> </P><P>"Glee," drop the shtick, you're better than this<br> </P><P>Forcing Jackson songs is just as bad as this forced kiss<br> </P><P>Just because you can afford it doesn't mean it has worth<br> </P><P>Unless you're trying to give me nightmares<br> </P><P>In that case, it worked </P><P> </P><P>No more bells and whistles, please<br> </P><P>Clever songs are all you need<br> </P><P>I get it, Ryan Murphy, Blaine had to bleed<br> </P><P>So <a href="/news/articles/1676997/darren-crisis-how-to-succeed-in-business.jhtml">Darren could star in "How to Succeed"</a> </P><P> </P><P>But making Kurt and Finchel sing "Ben" to Blaine<br> </P><P>Is the very definition of insane<br> </P><P>I hope next week they get it right<br> </P><P>With no stupid guests hogging "Glee" 's spotlight </P><P> </P><P>[<i>Cue clip of next week's episode starring Ricky Martin</i>] </P><P> </P><P>Whoops! </P><P> </P><P><i>What did you think of this week's "Glee"? Let us know in the comments!</i></p>
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'Very Good Girls' star breaks down growing up in new film to MTV News.
By JJocelyn Vena, with reporting by Josh Horowitz
Boyd Holbrook, Elizabeth Olsen and Dakota Fanning
Photo: MTV News
Fashion expert weighs in on B's post-baby style during a President Obama fundraiser.
By Jocelyn Vena
<P>All the single ladies: Put your hands up and show Beyoncé some love for looking so smoking hot just 10 weeks after <a href="/news/articles/1676906/beyonce-jay-z-baby-born-ivy-blue.jhtml">giving birth to her baby girl, Blue Ivy</a>. </P><P> </P><P>After multiple sightings of the star out and about in NYC since she first emerged at a <a href="/news/articles/1678726/beyonce-post-baby-appearance-blue-ivy.jhtml">Jay-Z's post-Carnegie Hall party</a>, the singer got all dolled up to hang out with first lady Michelle Obama in Manhattan on Monday night. </P><P> </P><P>The first lady of hip-hop and the <i>actual</i> first lady gathered at the Greenwich Hotel for a fundraising event for President Obama. Along with raising some dough, Beyoncé also raised eyebrows, thanks to her slamming post-baby body. Decked out in a body-hugging navy dress by Victoria Beckham, B rocked sky-high heels, dazzling bling (including a diamond-encrusted eagle) and her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail. So what was Beyoncé doing right in terms of styling herself as a new mom? </P><P> </P><P>"When you think of all the things women dislike about themselves, the majority don't like their upper arms and also have skirt-length issues, so she's addressed both of these. It's an interesting choice because it's snug, not tight," celebrity stylist Robert Verdi told MTV News about B's post-baby style. "There's a distinction. It's body-flattering, for sure. </P><P> </P><P>"It's also a very tasteful length: 2 inches above the knee. It's also a very conservative color, and it's very covered, but it still remains very sexy," he continued about the look. "You don't see all the bumps that women have post-pregnancy. ... Again, the distinction is it's body-conscious without revealing every lump and bump. Tight ain't right, but this ain't tight. This is body-skimming." </P><P> </P><P>With Beyoncé heading back into the spotlight more and more, including a set of <a href="/news/articles/1681308/beyonce-memorial-day-atlantic-city-shows.jhtml">shows planned for Memorial Day weekend</a>, does Verdi think Queen B will reassess her stage style now that she's a mom? </P><P> </P><P>"She's really young, and ... her equity is in her sex appeal, so you can't dismiss that," Verdi said. "She's not going to cover up. I think you've seen a similar evolution with Madonna, where fashion is sexy but is more intellectual. It's not as in-your-face. I think you're going to see the same thing with her. You evolve, but I don't think you stop being an attractive woman because you've had a child." </P><P> </P><P><i>What do you think of B's post-baby style? Let us know in the comments!</i></p>
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Actor Jason London Curses Out Cops & Poops In Police Car!
Actor Jason London was arrested after acting up at the Martini Ranch bar in Scottsdale, Arizona early Sunday morning and ended up with a black eye. The “Dazed & Confused” star, who is the twin brother of troubled star Jeremy London, cursed out police and told them he is a “rich” and “famous actor”. Police ...
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Source: http://stupidcelebrities.net/2013/01/actor-jason-london-curses-out-cops-poops-in-police-car/
Don't you often wonder how doctors really feel about medical dramas on TV? Do they cringe and say to themselves, "It never really happens like that?"
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/zzUbFC6SYm4/
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Source: http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2013/01/28/linsanity-clips-jeremy-lin/
Bridget Moynahan Britney Spears Brittany Daniel Brittany Lee
Someone posted this on Facebook and I find it so annoying.
Like, what? We're all just a bunch of bumbling idiots?
Here's my response:
No, no, no.
I don't push doors that say "pull" because I can read.
I don't explain why I'm laughing because I don't have to explain myself to anyone.
I don't walk into a room and forget why I went there because I'm not an idiot.
I don't count on my fingers because I'm smart enough to do it in my head.
I don't hide my pain from anyone because my feelings are valid and if I'm hurting, you'll know it.
I say it's a long story because some things are complex and dumbing them down doesn't serve anyone.
I cry a lot because I feel both pain and joy and it's awesome.
I don't care about people who don't care about me because I am not a doormat and I have worth.
I don't try to do things before the microwave beeps because I don't rush around the kitchen like a moron EVER.
I listen to you when you don't listen to me, but I won't do it for long so you better start listening.
And, yes, a hug can be nice, but showing me some respect is even better, so quit embracing me like a child and look me in the eye because YES, I AM A WOMAN!
Source: http://www.prettyinthecity.com/blog/2013/1/21/yes-i-am-a-woman.html
'He's an incredible, incredible writer and amazing vocalist,' producer Mike Posner tells MTV News about Bieber's new single.
By Jocelyn Vena
<P><a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/bieber_justin/artist.jhtml">Justin Bieber</a> dropped his <a href="/news/articles/1681748/justin-bieber-boyfriend.jhtml">bumping new single "Boyfriend"</a> on Monday (March 26), teasing his next album, <a href="/news/articles/1681595/justin-bieber-boyfriend.jhtml"><i>Believe.</i></a> It's a grinding, midtempo song that hears Bieber proclaiming all the ways he can make a girl happy (swag and fondue included!). </P><P> </P><P>Co-produced and co-written by "Cooler Than Me" singer Mike Posner, the song shows growth from Bieber's "Baby" days. When MTV News caught up with Posner last week, he told us what it was like to hit the studio with Bieber (and co-producer and co-writer Mason Levy) for the track. </P><P> </P><P><embed src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:uma:video:mtv.com:752329/cp~vid%3D752329%26uri%3Dmgid%3Auma%3Avideo%3Amtv.com%3A752329" width="460" height="260" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="."></embed> </P><P> </P><P>"I've known [Bieber's manager] Scooter [Braun] for a few years, so I actually ran into Scooter at a Clippers game and told him I would love to work with Justin," Posner said. "I got the opportunity to write with Justin. I didn't really know what to expect at first, but he's an incredible, incredible writer and amazing vocalist. </P><P> </P><P>"Because I'm an artist myself, I can be pretty selective on who I produce for and who I make beats for ... and really what I'm looking for is an amazing vocalist, somebody that can sing better than I can," he continued. "And the other thing is somebody that's willing to not try to make something that succeeds within the matrix of what pop music is now, but makes something that moves that matrix to where it is, and Justin was willing to take that leap with me." </P><P> </P><P>Bieber spoke to Ryan Seacrest on his radio show hours after the song's world premiere Monday, explaining why this was the perfect track to kick off the <i>Believe</i> era. </P><P> </P><P>"It was a really hard choice. I mean, we had so many songs, so many uptempos we could release, [that] I thought, 'Let's slow it down,' " he said, adding that there are already plenty of fast songs all over the radio. "It's just something a little bit more mature, but it's also something I think I'm ready for." </P><P> </P><P>While fans and industry insiders had been wondering what a more grown-up Bieber would sound like, he said he tried to block out all the noise when making the track. "There's so many people that are going to give me opinions, but I'm the only one who can ultimately make those decisions, because I'm going to have to live with my career for the rest of my life. So I thought this was the perfect single," he said, adding that this song "was me all the way; it is a representation of me." </P><P> </P><P>And Bieber said "Boyfriend" perfectly sets up what's coming next. "It's kind of classic," he said of the album. "The songs, I feel, won't get old. The music is very fresh, but it's also — I'm taking a lot from old-school music, a lot of Michael Jackson, a lot of old R&B, a lot of old pop. It's pretty special." </P><P> </P><P><i>What do you think of "Boyfriend"? Share your reviews in the comments below!</i></p>
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Source: http://feeds.celebritybabies.com/~r/celebrity-babies/~3/zDUSPZqJpb4/
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British pop star shows MTV News his soft side but also reveals his 'Troublemaker' side.
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Source: http://feeds.celebritybabies.com/~r/celebrity-babies/~3/HYju7jIxozQ/
There was a screening in New York last night hosted by Marie Claire magazine. Here I am:
Milly Jacket, Theory blouse, J Brand jeans, Chloe shoes, Kate Spade earrings, and the handbag was a gift from my friend Caprice!
Source: http://www.prettyinthecity.com/blog/2011/9/28/nyc-screening-with-marie-claire.html
Source: http://feeds.celebritybabies.com/~r/celebrity-babies/~3/91qBZeq4oKM/
Campaign aims to bring African militia leader Joseph Kony to justice for war crimes and for enlisting children as soldiers.
By Gil Kaufman
<P>A campaign to stop the nearly 30-year, brutal rule of African militia leader Joseph Kony became a viral sensation this week. <a href="http://kony2012.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com" target="_blank">"Kony 2012,"</a> started by the group Invisible Children, aims to make Kony's face so famous that authorities will finally be able to arrest him and try him for his crimes. </P><P> </P><P>A 30-minute <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4MnpzG5Sqc" target="_blank">documentary</a> released on Monday is one of the keys to the campaign, and as of Thursday it had gotten more than 26 million views. The video details the atrocities carried out by Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army. The campaign appears to be working, as at one point on Wednesday, Invisible Children and #stopkony were trending higher on Twitter than Peyton Manning or the new iPad. </P><P> </P><P>Since 1987, human rights officials say Kony has forcefully abducted more than 60,000 children to be soldiers in his army and reportedly raped, mutilated and killed civilians in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan and displaced more than 2 million people. The leader is wanted for committing atrocities by the International Criminal Court and is being hunted down by 100 U.S. Special Forces advisers and local troops in four Central African nations, according to the <a href="http://bit.ly/AyrDyz"><I>Associated Press.</I></a> </P><P> </P><P>Kony 2012 is an effort to capture Kony and disarm the LRA before a reported window of opportunity closes. One way it plans to do that is by encouraging users to directly message a variety of stars to make use of their Twitter ubiquity to get the word out. Among those listed on the site are: Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Angelina Jolie, Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Jay-Z, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Ryan Seacrest and Ellen DeGeneres, along with a number of major policymakers. </P><P> </P><P>When users click on the celebs' photos, a tweet pops up that reads: Help us end #LRA violence. Visit kony2012.com to find out why and how. @timtebow Join us for #KONY2012. </P><P> </P><P><a href="http://act.mtv.com/posts/invisible-children-video-joseph-kony/">Get More on Invisible Children at ACT.MTV.com.</a></p>
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Amid rumors that Spears will appear on Madge's 'Girls Gone Wild,' MTV News looks back at their history together.
By Jocelyn Vena
<P>Could it be that <a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/madonna/artist.jhtml">Madonna</a> has enlisted her pal <a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/spears_britney/artist.jhtml">Britney Spears</a> for <a href="/news/articles/1678197/madonna-mdna-album.jhtml"><i>MDNA</i></a>? </P><P> </P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="Britney Spears, Madonna Get In The Zone For 'Me Against The Music' Video" id="vid:623135.id:1657989" width="240" height="211"></div><p> </P><P> </P><P>Well, according to a leaked album jacket, it seems that Spears is making an appearance on the album's lead track, "Girls Gone Wild." </P><P> </P><P>This would mark the second collaboration on the album. Madonna nabbed Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. for the album's first single, <a href="/news/articles/1678478/madonna-give-me-all-your-luvin-video.jhtml">"Give Me All Your Luvin'."</a> </P><P>While the leaked jacket, which appeared on Britney fansite <a href="http://www.breatheheavy.com/2012/02/britney-on-new-madonna-album/?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed" target="_blank">Breatheheavy.com</a>, can't be confirmed as authentic, a rep for Madge had no comment about the rumor, neither confirming nor denying it. Meanwhile, a rep for Spears never returned MTV News' request for comment. </P><P> </P><P>This is hardly the first time that the two ladies have worked together. In fact, they have quite a history with each other. </P><P> </P><P>The duo kicked off their nearly decade-long friendship at the 2003 VMAs when, in case you hadn't heard, they <a href="/news/articles/1669706/britney-spears-mtv-vma-history.jhtml">shared an onstage kiss</a> while performing together. It was the kiss seen and heard around the world, and nearly 10 years later it is still often talked about as one of the most memorable moments in the show's storied history. </P><P> </P><P>After they shared that smooch, Spears was inspired to get the Queen of Pop on her lead <i>In the Zone</i> single, <a href="/news/articles/1658075/britney-spears-me-against-the-music.jhtml">"Me Against the Music."</a> "I was in the middle of rehearsals for the VMAs and I played her the song, and she was like, 'That's your first single, right?' " Britney recalled in a vintage interview with MTV. "I was like, 'Yeah, hopefully.' She was like, 'I really like it.' I was like, 'Really?' I was like, 'Well, you wanna do it with me?' She said, 'Yeah.' " </P><P> </P><P>They later appeared together in the warehouse-set video with one another, playing a pop star cat-and-mouse game that featured a near kiss. </P><P> </P><P>Five years later, as Spears was prepping her return to the pop spotlight, she appeared <a href="/news/articles/1598804/britney-spears-justin-timberlake-appear-onstage-with-madonna.jhtml">onstage with Madonna</a> during a Sticky & Sweet Tour stop at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. The singer hit the stage with the pop icon to perform "Human Nature" by her side. </P><P> </P><P>That same year, Madonna appeared in <a href="/news/articles/1600361/britney-spears-talks-breakups-breakdowns-in-for-the-record.jhtml">Spears' documentary, "For the Record,"</a> where she spoke about the younger singer. "I admire her as an artist," the Material Girl said, adding that she sees a lot of herself in Spears. </P><P>In 2011, as Spears was prepping the release of her album <i>Femme Fatale,</i> in an <a href="/news/articles/1659522/britney-spears-plastic-surgery-out-magazine.jhtml">interview with <i>Out</i> magazine</a>, she noted that she truly admires her friend. "Madonna. No question. She is an amazing entertainer," she said when asked whose career she most would want to emulate. </P><P> </P><P>As Madonna preps the release of <i>MDNA</i> in March, Spears is also the topic of conversation in a recent interview with her. When asked by ABC News what it was like to smooch the pop princess, she commented, "Nice moment, good kisser. Cool," she said, clarifying that she wouldn't do it again. "No, I already did it. I don't like to repeat myself." </P><P> </P><P>Well, perhaps a kiss would be "reductive" (her word, not ours), but it seems given the love that Madge and Spears fans have for the two pop stars, they wouldn't mind them cooking up some musical magic. </P><P>The track, "Girls Gone Wild," was teased in a megamix that dropped last week and it certainly feels like it would lend itself to both Madonna and Brit's musical sensibilities: It's fist-pumpingly dance-y, sexy and all about going out and having a good time, with Madge proclaiming, "Girls, they just want to have some fun/ Get fired up like a smoking gun/ On the floor till the daylight comes/ Girls, they just want to have some fun." </P><P> </P><P><center><embed src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:uma:video:mtv.com:728690/cp~id%3D1672718%26vid%3D728690%26uri%3Dmgid%3Auma%3Avideo%3Amtv.com%3A728690%26instance%3Dmtv" width="460" height="260" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="." flashVars=""></embed></center> </P><P> </P><P><i>What would you think of a new Britney Spears/ Madonna collabo? Leave your comment below!</i></p>
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Source: http://feeds.celebritybabies.com/~r/celebrity-babies/~3/ip4YFcK-4G4/
Melissa Howard Melissa Joan Hart Melissa Rycroft Melissa Sagemiller
Born This Way Foundation's kickoff February 29 at Harvard University will be filmed for 'Oprah's Next Chapter.'
By Jocelyn Vena
<P>When <a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/lady_gaga/artist.jhtml">Lady Gaga</a> officially launches her <a href="/news/articles/1677562/lady-gaga-born-this-way-foundation.jhtml">Born This Way Foundation</a> on February 29, she'll be joined by the one-time queen of daytime TV, Oprah Winfrey. </P><P> </P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="If Gaga Were President For A Day..." id="vid:683376.id:1669247" width="240" height="211"></div><p> </P><P> </P><P>The singer and former talk-show host will be joined by Mother Monster's own mother, Cynthia Germanotta, at the Harvard University event to kick off the foundation, which aims to inspire young people. The affair will be captured for a future episode of "Oprah's Next Chapter" on her OWN network. </P><P> </P><P>"My mother and I have initiated a passion project. We call it the <a href="/news/articles/1673633/lady-gaga-born-this-way-foundation.jhtml">Born This Way Foundation</a>," Gaga said in a statement last November about the foundation, which takes its name from her hit single and album. "Together we hope to establish a standard of Bravery and Kindness, as well as a community worldwide that protects and nurtures others in the face of bullying and abandonment." </P><P> </P><P>The foundation will work with a number of partners, including the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the California Endowment and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. According to the statement, the foundation will focus on "youth empowerment and equality by addressing issues like self-confidence, well-being, anti-bullying, mentoring and career development and will utilize digital mobilization as one of the means to create positive change." </P><P> </P><P>"My daughter's foundation was born out of her passion to create a better world where people are kinder and nicer to one another and are accepted for who they are, regardless of how different they may be," Mama Germanotta said. "She has experienced many of the struggles that our youth encounter today, and identifies with the lasting effects they can have without proper support. Together, we look forward to creating a new movement that will engage and empower youth and accept them as valuable members of our society."</p>
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